Chiropractic and the “Common Cold”

Chiropractic and the “Common Cold”

Chiropractic has been utilized as a treatment for many ailments, but primarily those related to musculoskeletal (MSK) problems, especially back and neck pain. However, there are many people who seek chiropractic services for ailments other than MSK conditions such as...
Can Chiropractic Help Senior Citizens?

Can Chiropractic Help Senior Citizens?

Chiropractors are not just interested in getting rid of pain; more importantly, they are interested in preventing future episodes. This model has long been “a standard” in chiropractic and continues to be so today. Why is this so important? Approximately 91% of older...
Chiropractic and Chest Pain (Angina Pectoris)

Chiropractic and Chest Pain (Angina Pectoris)

The term “angina pectoris” refers to chest pain. Angina is classified into three groups: 1. Stable angina (or, “effort angina”); 2. Unstable angina (“crescendo angina”); and 3. Microvascular angina (“syndrome X angina”). The 3rd type is caused by narrowing of the tiny...
Maximum Health and Chiropractic

Maximum Health and Chiropractic

Traditionally, chiropractic care is most commonly rendered for a finite amount of time, usually until the symptoms that initially drove the patient to seek out care resolve. However, some patients find that periodic chiropractic treatments make them feel better and...
Can Chiropractic Prevent Disease?

Can Chiropractic Prevent Disease?

Chiropractors most commonly treat musculoskeletal system (MSK) injuries and conditions such as sprains and strains arising from slips and falls, auto accidents, sports injuries, or simply over doing it. In fact, in today’s world, the use of manipulation in the...