Cancer and Nutrition – Part 1

Cancer and Nutrition – Part 1

With the side effects related to cancer treatments, why not try to enhance our body’s ability to “fight”? The use of nutrition-based treatment is NOT to be misunderstood as a standalone treatment, but rather, as an adjunct treatment alongside convention cancer...
Cancer Causes & Prevention Strategies

Cancer Causes & Prevention Strategies

Thousands of Doctors of Chiropractic across the United States and Canada have taken "The ChiroTrust Pledge": “To the best of my ability, I agree toprovide my patients convenient, affordable,and mainstream Chiropractic care.I will not use unnecessary long-termtreatment...
Chiropractic & Bowel/Bladder Function

Chiropractic & Bowel/Bladder Function

The benefits of chiropractic are well known when it comes to the management of lower back pain arising from various low back conditions. But, looking beyond the localized low back benefits of spinal manipulation, the positive effects on bowel and bladder function are...
Chiropractic and Blood Pressure

Chiropractic and Blood Pressure

The chiropractic management of musculoskeletal complaints such as low back pain, neck pain, headaches, and the like is well established in peer reviewed literature and recommended care guidelines throughout the world. Put simply, chiropractic care WORKS consistently...