Chiropractic and the Common Cold

Chiropractic and the Common Cold

Chiropractic methods are utilized for many complaints, of which the majority of research-based evidence supports conditions related to the musculoskeletal system—that is, neck, back, upper and lower limb conditions. However, when applied to certain areas of the spine,...
Chiropractic and Obesity

Chiropractic and Obesity

Chiropractic methods are traditionally sought after for pain relief for neuromusculoskeletal conditions or from pain arising from the nervous and musculoskeletal systems. But in the tradition of chiropractic, the WHOLE PERSON is cared for, not just a select region of...
Chiropractic and Whole Body Health: Part I

Chiropractic and Whole Body Health: Part I

Chiropractic has long described benefits that extend beyond pain relief and crisis management such as the concept of immune stimulation and overall well-being. But what is “wellness” and how does it fit in with the chiropractic model? Interestingly, there is no single...
Can Organs Be “Adjusted”?

Can Organs Be “Adjusted”?

Chiropractic manipulation of the spine is well documented, and evidence strongly supports its benefits for many musculoskeletal conditions of the neck, midback, low back, pelvis, and extremities. Less evidence has been published about visceral manipulation. So what...
Cancer and Nutrition – Part 3

Cancer and Nutrition – Part 3

In Part 1, we discussed dietary approaches for the cancer patient and started the discussion of the use of dietary supplementation to optimize healing for the cancer patient with the understanding that these approaches DO NOT replace appropriate conventional cancer...
Cancer and Nutrition – Part 3

Cancer and Nutrition – Part 2

In Part 1, we discussed dietary approaches for the cancer patient such as the Paleo or “caveman” diet, the Mediterranean Diet, and the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension). We also began the discussion of how to supplement the diet to optimize health for the...