Chiropractic Management of Low Back Pain

Chiropractic Management of Low Back Pain

The approach a doctor of chiropractic will take to manage low back pain will differ depending if the injury is new (acute), recent (subacute), or has persisted for three months or longer (chronic). Though some management tools overlap between each group, each stage of...
Reducing Kidney Stone Risk

Reducing Kidney Stone Risk

When a patient seeks chiropractic care to address acute back pain, the cause is usually musculoskeletal in origin. However, if changing body positions (leaning forward or back or turning to the side, etc.) has no effect on pain levels, there’s a possibility the...
Managing Osteoarthritis of the Knee or Hip

Managing Osteoarthritis of the Knee or Hip

Osteoarthritis is a common chronic joint condition that affects roughly 10% of adults in the United States. Because it’s associated with obesity and advancing age, the condition is becoming more and more common. Two of the most common parts of the body affected by...